Author: Paul Kremer
Publication: Mass Timber Construction Podcast
Mass Timber Construction Podcast: NHERI Tall Wood Project
The NHERI Tallwood project is an NSF-funded research effort to develop and validate a resilient-based seismic design methodology for tall wood buildings.
Brooke Whitsell - Swinerton Timberlab - Structural E.I.T. working for a holistic mass timber contractor in Portland, OR. Special interests in mass timber and topology optimization in tall buildings.
Timberlab: https://timberlab.com/
Shiling Pei - Dr. Pei received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from Colorado State University in December 2007 and joined the faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Colorado School of Mines in Fall 2013. Dr. Pei is an expert on wood building performance in post-hazard reconnaissance studies. Contact: https://cee.mines.edu/project/...
For further information: http://nheritallwood.mines.edu...
Jonathan Heppner - Jonathon is a Principal at Lever Architecture. Jonathan directs the firm’s timber research, including the 40+ mass timber tests completed for Framework. He has worked closely with the US Forest Service, US Department of Agriculture, and Universities researching the adoption of mass timber to better understand it's role in building life cycle assessment studies, benefits for seismic resilience, and associated design methodologies for new and existing timber buildings to better support owner and occupant's physiological, jurisdictional, and aspirational needs. Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jo...
Lever Architecture: https://leverarchitecture.com/
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